21 Steps - Preparing for UPSC during the Lockdown

Hello All

The testing times are upon us. It is imperative to follow the lockdown guidelines to remain healthy and minimise COVID-19 infections as much as possible. However this also means, charting in a territory which we had little experience before.

Yes.... We are speaking about staying at home 24*7. At this time, its important to remain in the course of preparation. Unless you are working in the essential services, the best service you can do to the Nation at present is staying at home and not venturing outside.

Lets see how we can make the best use of this time.

21 Steps - Preparing for UPSC during the Lockdown

Step 1: Exercise daily
Now is the perfect time to ensure you stay fit both physically and mentally. Cult fit is offering live sessions free of cost. You just need an internet connection, phone or laptop and you are ready to go!

You may join their sessions here: Cult Fit live classes

Step 2: Meditation and mental health
Staying at one place and with oneself continuously might test our mettle sometimes. Make sure you do at least 15-20 minutes of mediation every day.

You may join classes like Isha foundations live sessions and guided mediation for free of cost here: How to make best use of quarantine period

Step 3: Practise previous year questions
Make sure you practise at least 50-100 previous year questions per day.

You may refer to sites such as exam robot or onlinetyari for previous year questions

Step 4: Maintain daily schedule 
Though there are no classes that you need to attend to at a particular time, don't mess up with your schedule. Try to sleep, wake up at the same time everyday.

Step 5: 6 hours for core subjects
Give at least 6 hours for core subjects such as Polity, Economy, History, Environment and Ecology, Geography and Science & Technology every day. Best thing is to take 2 subjects per week and give 3 hours per day for each subject.

Step 6: Practise mock tests
It is very important to practise as many mock tests as possible. Any test series you have enrolled, attempt the questions sincerely. Do at least one test per day.

Step 7: Revise Revise Revise 
Revise the tests that you have already attempted and the topics you already did.

Step 8: Analyse 
This is very important to ensure that you clear prelims. Try to see how well you are able to eliminate wrong options and arrive at correct answers. Try to estimate your accuracy levels.

Step 9: All work and little play
Have a stress buster activity like cooking or painting or spending time with family.

Step 10: Family time
Studying when you are locked in a room is easy. But trying to concentrate when all your family members are at home is difficult. Have a specific study place and inform your family members about your study time so that you won't be disturbed during that time.

Step 11: No negative thoughts
Don't read about only the virus or the doomsday predictions. We will take precautions and handle the situations but there is no point in panicking and worrying about the future.

Step 12: No postponement predictions
Don't worry about whether UPSC postpones the prelims exams or not. Conducting exams is the task of UPSC, not yours. Your task is to prepare for it.

Step 13: No continuous binge watching
Don't get into the binge watching mode now on Netflix or Prime etc. You may watch them for a minimal time to relax. But make sure you don't spend too much time there.

Step 14: Have a peer network 
Having a peer network who studies with you makes sure you stay motivated. You may have a WhatsApp or telegram group and support each other making sure your preparation is on track.

Step 15: Current Affairs
Reduce the newspaper reading time to half an hour and start revising the current affairs from 2019 till date.

Step 16: No new sources
Don't run after new books or sources now. Revise the same sources again and again.

Step 17: CSAT
Don't neglect CSAT till the last minute. Take previous year UPSC CSE CSAT papers from 2013 to 2019 and solve them. You may solve one paper for week.

Step 18: Mains Answer Writing
If it's your second attempt or more and feeling very comfortable with prelims preparation, you may write 2-3 answers for your optional subject. However make sure you are very comfortable with your prelims preparation and don't spend more than an hour per day for writing and checking mains answers.

Step 19: Be your motivator
Motivate yourself and stay on the track. Your strength should come from within and now is the best time for self introspection and motivation.

Step 20: Eat healthy
Eat healthy and at the same time everyday. No brunches and skipping meals.

Step 21: Relax and enjoy your preparation 
Enjoy the process. The path is equally fulfilling as the Goal. Take rest, remain healthy in mind, body and spirit and enjoy your preparation.


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